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Saturday, April 27, 2019

How to Implement T9 Search in iOS

Two or three years back I was dealing with an application called "Lowland mBank - Mobile Banking" with my iOS/Android group. There is an essential element in the application where you can utilize the portable financial usefulness to top up your own wireless postpaid parity or any contact's mobile phone balance.

While building up this module, we saw that it was a lot simpler to locate a specific contact in the Android adaptation of the application than in iOS one. Why? The key explanation for this is T9 seek, which is absent from Apple gadgets.

How about we clarify what T9 is about, and why it presumably didn't turn into a piece of iOS, and how iOS designers can execute it if important.

What is T9?

T9 is a prescient content innovation for cell phones, explicitly those that contain a physical 3x4 numeric keypad.

Representation of T9 seek on numeric keypad

T9 was initially created by Tegic Communications, and the name represents Text on 9 keys.

You can think about why T9 most likely never made it to iOS. Amid the cell phone upheaval, T9 input ended up out of date, as present day cell phones telephones depended on full consoles, cordiality of their touchscreen shows. Since Apple never had any telephones with physical consoles and wasn't in the telephone business amid the prime of T9, it's reasonable this innovation was precluded from iOS.

T9 is as yet utilized on certain economical telephones without a touchscreen (purported highlight telephones). Notwithstanding, in spite of the way that most Android telephones never included physical consoles, present day Android gadgets highlight support for T9 input, which can be utilized to dial contacts by spelling the name of the get in touch with one is attempting to call.

An Example of T9 Predictive Input in real life

On a telephone with a numeric keypad, each time a key (1-9) is squeezed (when in a content field), the calculation restores a theory for what letters are undoubtedly for the keys squeezed to that point.

Xcode screen capture

For instance, to enter "the," the client would squeeze 8 then 4 then 3, and the showcase would show "t," at that point "th," and after that "the." If the less-regular word "fore" is planned (3673), the prescient calculation may choose "Passage." Pressing the "following" key (ordinarily the "*" key) may raise "portion," lastly "fore." If "fore" is chosen, at that point whenever the client presses the arrangement 3673, fore will be bound to be the principal word shown. On the off chance that "Felix" is expected, in any case, when entering 33549, the showcase demonstrates "E," at that point "De," "Del," "Shop," and "Felix."

This is a case of a letter changing while at the same time entering words.

Automatic Use of T9 in iOS

Along these lines, we should plunge into this component and compose a simple case of T9 contribution for iOS. Most importantly, we have to make another venture.

The essentials required for our undertaking are fundamental: Xcode and Xcode assemble devices introduced on your Mac.

To make another undertaking, open your Xcode application on your Mac and select "Make another Xcode venture," at that point name your task, and pick the kind of utilization to be made. Just select "Single View App" and press Next.

Xcode screen capture

On the following screen, as should be obvious there will be some data that you have to give.

Item Name: I named it T9Search

Group. Here, on the off chance that you need to run this application on a genuine gadget, you should have an engineer account. For my situation, I will utilize my own record for this.

Note: If you don't have a designer account, you can run this on Simulator also.

Association Name: I named it Toptal

Association Identifier: I named it "com.toptal"

Language: Choose Swift

Uncheck "Use Core Data," "Incorporate Unit Tests," and "Incorporate UI Tests"

Press the Next catch, and we are prepared to begin.

Straightforward Architecture

As you definitely know, when you make another application, you as of now have MainViewController class and Main.Storyboard. For testing purposes, obviously, we can utilize this controller.

Before we begin structuring something, allows first make all the fundamental classes and records to ensure we have everything set going to move to the UI part of the activity.

Some place inside your task, essentially make another record called "PhoneContactsStore.swift" For my situation, it would seem that this.

T9 seek storboard and design

Our first request of business is to make a guide with all varieties of numeric console inputs.

import Contacts

import UIKit

fileprivate let T9Map = [

" : "0",

"a" : "2", "b" : "2", "c" : "2", "d" : "3", "e" : "3", "f" : "3",

"g" : "4", "h" : "4", "I" : "4", "j" : "5", "k" : "5", "l" : "5",

"m" : "6", "n" : "6", "o" : "6", "p" : "7", "q" : "7", "r" : "7",

"s" : "7", "t" : "8", "u" : "8", "v" : "8", "w" : "9", "x" : "9",

"y" : "9", "z" : "9", "0" : "0", "1" : "1", "2" : "2", "3" : "3",

"4" : "4", "5" : "5", "6" : "6", "7" : "7", "8" : "8", "9" : "9"


That is it. We've actualized the total guide with all varieties. Presently, how about we continue to make our top notch called "PhoneContact."

Your document should resemble this:

picture alt content

To start with, in this class, we have to ensure we have a Regex Filter from A-Z + 0-9.

private let regex = attempt! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[^ a-z()0-9+]", choices: .caseInsensitive)

Essentially, the client has default properties that should be shown:

var firstName : String!

var lastName : String!

var phoneNumber : String!

var t9String : String = ""

var picture : UIImage?

var fullName: String! {

get {

return String(format: "%@", self.firstName, self.lastName)



Ensure you have superseded hash and isEqual to indicate your custom rationale for rundown sifting.

Additionally, we need the supplant technique to abstain from having anything with the exception of numbers in the string.

supersede var hash: Int {

get {

return self.phoneNumber.hash



supersede func isEqual(_ object: Any?) - > Bool {

whenever let obj = object as? PhoneContact {

return obj.phoneNumber == self.phoneNumber


return false


private func replace(str : String) - > String {

let go = NSMakeRange(0, str.count)

return self.regex.stringByReplacingMatches(in: str,

alternatives: [],

go: go,

withTemplate: "")


Presently we need one more strategy called calculateT9, to discover contacts identified with fullname or phonenumber.

func calculateT9() {

for c in self.replace(str: self.fullName) {

t9String.append(T9Map[String(c).localizedLowercase] ?? String(c))


for c in self.replace(str: self.phoneNumber) {

t9String.append(T9Map[String(c).localizedLowercase] ?? String(c))



Subsequent to executing the PhoneContact object, we have to store our contacts some place in the memory. For this reason, I will make another class called PhoneContactStore.

We will have two nearby properties:

fileprivate let contactsStore = CNContactStore()


fileprivate sluggish var dataSource = Set() 

I am utilizing Set to ensure there is no duplication amid rounding out this information source.

last class PhoneContactStore {

fileprivate let contactsStore = CNContactStore()

fileprivate lethargic var dataSource = Set() 

static let example : PhoneContactStore = {

let example = PhoneContactStore()

return occasion



As should be obvious, this is a Singleton class, which implies we keep it in memory until the application is running. For more data about Singletons or configuration designs, you could peruse here.

We are presently near having T9 look concluded.

Assembling It All

Before you get to the rundown of contacts on Apple, you have to request authorization first.

class func hasAccess() - > Bool {

let authorizationStatus = CNContactStore.authorizationStatus(for: CNEntityType.contacts)

return authorizationStatus == .approved


class func requestForAccess(_ completionHandler: @escaping (_ accessGranted: Bool, _ mistake : CustomError?) - > Void) {

let authorizationStatus = CNContactStore.authorizationStatus(for: CNEntityType.contacts)

switch authorizationStatus {

case .approved:


completionHandler(true, nil)

case .denied, .notDetermined:

frail var wSelf = self.instance

self.instance.contactsStore.requestAccess(for: CNEntityType.contacts, completionHandler: { (get to, accessError) - > Void in

var blunder: CustomError?

whenever let e = accessError {

blunder = CustomError(description: e.localizedDescription, code: 0)

} else {



completionHandler(access, blunder)



completionHandler(false, CustomError(description: "Normal Error", code: 100))



After we have approved to get to contacts, we can compose the strategy to get the rundown from the framework.

fileprivate func loadAllContacts() {

on the off chance that self.dataSource.count == 0 {

let keys = [CNContactGivenNameKey, CNContactFamilyNameKey, CNContactThumbnailImageDataKey, CNContactPhoneNumbersKey]

do {

let demand = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: keys as [CNKeyDescriptor])

request.sortOrder = .givenName

request.unifyResults = genuine

in the event that #available(iOS 10.0, *) {

request.mutableObjects = false

} else {}/Fallback on prior forms

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